I continue to make shifts this season- and often times that's very uncomfortable. I feel like I am constantly shifting, and making profound transitions on my journey- but aren't we all?
As we shift collectively from summer to fall, it's important to remember ways to find joy in the journey- and possibly find comfort in the shifts. Right now, what is bringing me so much comfort in my current transition is my breath, the wind, moving my body, and gratitude. In this current transition I am still transitioning out of people pleasing, fear based thinking and self loathing- I feel like I am spiritually outgrowing my current self, and this has brought up feelings of fear, anxiousness, uncertainty, and sadness as I enter into a new phase of my life and as I am still acclimating myself to this new decade of 30.
My heart is purging as it learns how to reopen after many years of pain, grief, anger, and isolation. With divine guidance and the love of God, I've made it through the unimaginable- after being in survival mode for so long, it can be scary to think of all the joy and goodness being prepared for me. I had to be deeply honest with myself, and admit that.. I was actually afraid of what is on the other side. I was actually afraid of what I've been preparing myself for, and what God is preparing my life for. This fear has created stagnancy, energetic blocks, pain, and a plethora of other emotions and actions that I noticed I've been doing.
This has been a subconscious attempt to keep myself "safe" but it has been keeping me trapped in certain cycles. Once I realized how fear was running and ruining my life, I've committed myself to running towards what may seem like the uncomfortable, and continue to try and fill my days up with love, which is the opposite of fear.
Still, moving and transitioning- I now look forward with more excitement for what's on the other side of survival for me. This summer allowed me space to find things, people and places to give my heart more ease through the uncomfortable. I encourage us all to find what brings love into our hearts and to lean into this powerful time of global, spiritual, and personal change.
Here's An Amazing Conversation To Listen To In This Transitional Season ✨
"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance"
-Alan Watts
Namaste 🤍